Drop The Mask

Exposing the corruption, faulty systems, and bad actors. Anarchist (the good kind) Podcast and Blog

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What is Drop The Mask?

I always knew there were issues with government. But I was very naive about how bad it was. 

I used to think the people in charge were just out of touch, or dumb, elected to their posts by promising free stuff. That if they just read some good books, they could be convinced to be better.  That they really did want to help people, they just misunderstood the consequences of their actions.

It was the response to the Covid-19 pandemic that those notions were finally shaken out of me. It was a hard pill to swallow. I found myself having to rethink everything I thought I knew.

Even with a singular focus on one issue (virus mitigation) the people in charge couldn’t put anything coherent together. The decisions made by government officials were so retarded (and I use that word advisedly), it sent me spiraling through waves of anger and depression.  It made me ashamed to be a part of a society that was so eager to vilify regular people, with their only evidence being their favorite politicians and talking heads telling them it was the right thing to do. There seemed to be no intellectual curiosity as to why the measures made no difference at all in the outcomes.

I was *this close* to losing my job for refusing the vaccine–in a job I was working from home at the time, mind you.  I was saved by a Supreme Court decision. This time.

Anyone who dared question the so-called authorities was driven out of polite conversation, and the mob would have been happy to expel them from their jobs, their livelihood, and even the country. We saw concentration camps in Australia and direct bank account theft in Canada. We’re three years past the outbreak and for most places two years past most of the mandates. But we’re still seeing people behave as if the overlords were correct and managed to save many lives. 

The suffering caused by these measures is never apologized for. No one mentioned remorse or regret while they were taking away the rights, freedoms, and lives of the people they affected. There was never anything like “I know this is going to be hard, I know there will be other consequences, but…” They abhorred anyone who dared mention there would be consequences downstream from these insane decisions. They refused to modify behaviors when it was clear they weren’t working; when new evidence arose and it was clear we suffered these things without any benefit.  Probably no lives were saved. Certainly many were destroyed. The fallout is a wave of inflation, addiction, depression, and societal collapse. 

“Drop The Mask” is not about Covid and idiotic face-masking, per se. It is about the masks our overlords wear to keep us under their thumb.  They keep us at each other’s throats, blaming each other for the problems they cause, thereby causing more problems and then claiming only they can solve them.  It’s a cycle that is spiraling out of control, and if we don’t do anything to stop it we can be sure things like this will happen again and again. 

I’m adding my voice to the many who are already speaking out about these things. I don’t know if I can do it better or reach more people, but maybe I can reach a few more. Anything I can do to promote liberty. I appreciate the support!
